A turbocharger is a device that increases efficiency of the engine by forcing extra compressed air.
What is the function of the turbocharger?
Turbocharger can add approximately %50 more air to each cylinder and make the air compressed. More fuel can be added to engine into the compressed air. The more fuel provided, the more power output produced with the help of the Turbocharger.
What are the components of the turbocharger?
The Turbine
The Compressor
The Center Housing Rotating Assembly
How much HP does a turbo add?
A turbocharger can increase the power output approximately %15-25 percent.
Can a diesel engine run without a turbo?
It will not work efficiently and total power perform will be poor.
What are the benefits of a turbo?
- Increase the total power output
- Increase the fuel efficiency.
How often do Turbos need to be replaced?
Most turbos need to be replaced over 100.000 km for cars and 1.000 operating hours for generators.
What happens if a turbo fails?
The engine will not run efficiently and failing turbo can make extra loud
Does turbo use more fuel?
No, Turbochargers do fuel efficiency gains if they are used properly.
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